Points to ponder

I should be happy; I SHOULD be. But I'm kind of half in it, half not.

This is not easy at all. I wish you'd open your eyes, open your mind a bit more, damnit, open your heart.


So just maybe, I don't matter as much as I used to to you, or I just don't matter that much at all. Or it could just be me. I hope it's the last bit.

Let's see, eh?

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"For so long, I've been loving You from a distance because I was afraid of Your silence. Because Your silence speaks to me more deeply than any words could ever say. Because I was afraid of who I would be when I was alone with You. Because I didn’t want to be rejected. 

For so long, I’ve been loving You from a distance, holding myself hostage to the sound of You; running away from the thought of You loving me so deeply, that I would lose myself and never be able to find who I used to be. 

For so long, I’ve been trying loving You from a distance but I can’t even survive without You. You are not only the air I breathe; You are the lungs I breathe with. And without You, there is this vacant void that causes me to collapse at the very center of who I am. And that’s what I mean when I say You’re breathtaking. 

You cared for me with a gentleness that made me want to love You more than I ever thought possible. 

And I want to give all of my heart to You even though I don’t know what that feels like. 

You love me privately, publicly, lonely, lovely or ugly. 

And I want to give You the keys to every room in this room in this house I call my heart. 

And that means nothing is off-limits to You.”

- Amena Brown

I think I've become hardened throughout all of this, and people can't really blame me for it. All the stuff that's gone on the past how many years, everything that's been said and done by everyone, have contributed to me being the way I am today.

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