The past few days have been a holiday blur. Surprisingly, I'm getting into the holiday mode, although I still don't feel the Christmas spirit. Lazy, long work days, just begging to be over and done with. Christmas shopping, dinners.
And things haven't been so bad. We're good. We're talking again, Skyping even, just talking, hanging out til we fall asleep, almost like old times. It's been really good, we've been so behaved, trying hard not to fight, to blow up at each other, keeping the other at a safe enough distance, not too close, but not too far either. Although I did feel a bit sad and guilty the other day, you felt really sick, and was making lambing, and I couldn't really do anything about it. It was sad cause I know that back then, I promised I'd take care of you, and it seems, for the past four months you've gone back, I've failed :( Yeah, we're not together anymore, but still, I did let you down several times.
Josiah and I had a moment last night at dinner. It was just the two of us at the table at first, and he leaned in, whispered, "Achi Pau, are you and Ahia _____ still friends?" "Of course! Why do you ask?" "Because I don't see you talking to him that much anymore, or talking to him on the webcam, and he doesn't play Waka-Waka with me anymore." He was just so cute then. I told him, "We still do, just not as much, he's busy now." And Siah was like, "Ohh.." with a thoughtful look on his face. Next to your brothers (and me), Siah must be your biggest fan. Hahaha.
Had dinner with the clan last night in advance for JP's 12th birthday; everything will either be advanced or belated this time of year since it's hard enough getting everyone's schedule to match for time together. Great food, and the great weather (it was a bit chilly out, at least for Manila heat standards, and the sky was clear with stars) was perfect for dinner on the roof deck. Can't wait for the new house to be built, more space for parties, yay. By this time next year hopefully, the house will be up and shining with get-togethers with family and friends.(That's JP, surprised with a 5th generation iPod for his birthday)
Spending time with family is always great. Laid-back, relaxing, and being just plain silly. Eu and I spent most of the night trying to pry the kids from their computers and socialize, and when we succeeded, got them together for some photos. Last year, I wasn't around for a lot of birthdays and celebrations, so it's somewhat redemptive to be here now. I think I missed a lot of these kiddos.
I love you guys. Christmas may not be what I hoped it would be, but it'll do, as long as you guys are around.
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