Insomnia + nostalgia.

I like how simple life was back then. Go to class in the mornings, hanging out during hourly breaks out in the freezing hallway, covering for you while you hid from your 'best friend', talking about anything and everything, the teasing that you were checking out some girl, or that that guy had the hots for me lol, lunches in the 食堂, naps in the afternoons, studying at Bridge til night time, hotpot dinners at 民宝, walking to the dorm after, chatting til we fell asleep. We were friends, way before anything. Like you said, best friends plus a little awkward chemistry. Haha. Now those were the good old days. No second-guessing each other, just good old fun. Then 'us' happened. Bike racing and bike fights, midnight runs to the convenience store for some chocolate and Minute Maid, 民宝 lunch dates, where we'd eat so much, we had to drag ourselves to get a cab, walking around the Wu in search of our street food dinner, TV series' marathons, commuting more than an hour to 朝阳 or 三里屯儿 and still having fun, shopping trips to 西直门 and 西单, going out during breaks for 包子, hungover mornings with bottles and bottles of Pocari Sweat, being your sous chef-slash-dishwasher when you cooked, and your yaya who made your coffee and PB in the mornings and soy whey drink after you go to the gym, cutting your nails, fun week with your cousins and family, and when in Manila, texting all day and talking on the phone all night til I'd hear you snore, seeing my family fall in love with you, being your plus one, and when you went back, seeing you off at the airport, trying not to cry cause you said not to while you yourself started crying, worrying that you were getting depressed and lonely cause you were alone at first, Skype dates, or just watching you nap, or singing to with a foolish grin on your face. That was great too. It could've been better, we could've been awesome. Loving you and taking care of you, that was my thing. What now?
