Of lazy Saturdays and doing what we have to do.

There's little else I like more than looking forward to the weekend. But then I also tend to see right away that after an awesome Friday comes a lazy Saturday, after which comes a quick Sunday, and is then inevitably and seemingly immediately followed by a sucky Monday. Lau says I'm a weekend killer by reminding her that a true blue Monday looms near every Friday night. But I can't help it, I've learned to not expect too much, you are less disappointed that way :(

Had a nice, laidback day with the girls. While I had to work a bit in the morning, we met up to have a late lunch at Beijing Hand-pulled Noodles, 奶茶 at Serenitea, then hung out at Patsy's mansion. I notice that when we get together, we talk about everything and anything under the sun. We reminisce a lot about our joint history, about people we know but aren't there to defend themselves, the silliest things, torment each other about the others' quirks and mannerisms, ask about how our week went, future plans, etc. You guys make laugh, forget for a while! And for as long as I've know all of these girls, poor Steph is always picked on, but she's also the most gracious to not ever get annoyed with us. Yet :D

It was relaxing, been a while since I've spent my Saturday like that. I miss lazy Saturdays, lunch and just doing nothing. While it was great fun, I gave in to nostalgia, since it also reminded me how it was before when everyone was still home. It's been months already, three months and five days. Sigh.

(Yes, this is the face of an exasperated, tired me. Quite flattering, if I dare say so myself. Sleep-deprived, food-eating-yet-not-gaining Pau. Lol.)

Saw my friend/baby brother Norts this evening. He hugged me, looked at me long and hard, and said, "You look better, you look happy." I smiled, thinking I wasn't really happy happy, just more resigned perhaps, and accepting of certain recent facts of life. I still miss, still hurt, but as we always say, we gotta do what we gotta do :|

(I super appreciate and love you, Norton Cheng, boy I saw grow up from a scruffy kid to a charming ladies' man, I wish nothing like this will ever touch your still-just-a-boy heart :) )

I'm getting better, I think. You and I, we're getting better. We're friends now, not that we ever really stopped being. Maybe we're just seeing the line that divides best friend and lover a bit more clearly.

Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades, God.
