Running at night here at the university's track and field is awesome. It's become one of my favorite, most-looked-forward-to thing in the evenings. Especially since the temperature's gone down to like, 12 degrees Celsius the past few days; from 30 degrees just the last Sunday, it's crazy how cold it is now. Anyway, I just love to run, and when winding down, walking around, looking up at the big black expanse of the sky, lit only by the moon. Funny enough, it doesn't make me homesick or yearn for everyone back home--it does the opposite, making me wonder how I could ever leave Beijing when the time comes. I guess I'm really starting to enjoy and embrace 北京 as a second home. 我特别喜欢北京比别的地方. There's just so much to see and do here. And I like how I've been able to slowly fall into habit in how I do things here. And how friends are everywhere. When we just got here, I didn't leave anything out at all. Everything was safely tucked into my luggage, locked. It just seemed like if I start making a home for my things and clothes, it would be like I'm settling in for good. Like, I'm making the dorm room my home. And I didn't want that. I still don't. But the truth is, for the next four months, this is what it is. And I'm really growing to love it. I'd love it better if everyone I loved were here too; I still miss my family, I do, and I guess that's the little part of me holding back from fully embracing Beijing. But again, there's Skype. It's kinda like I never left home. Maybe I can have the best of both worlds for now.
One Response to “北京天气预报 (Beijing weather report).”
hahah i knew na youd enjoy there! :)
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