About a boy, all grown-up.

I had the bestest conversation with my cousin Nathan tonight. He's so grown up, so mature now! Obviously, I can't share everything we talked about, but this I can say: I'm super proud of him. I love how he's taken things in stride, how he sees what happened to him as a lesson God's teaching him. For a 16-year-old boy whose life revolves around music, his basketball career, and a girl, I think that's saying a lot. :) we shared a bit of our future plans, and his dreams to become a... well, you'll all know what he'll become in due time. ;)

I'm sorry though, that I've missed a lot the past few months--the new store took up a lot of my time, and took me away from the clan--and I'm gonna miss this guy even more when I'm in Beijing.

I love you, Nate. And when your heart breaks, mine does, too, and when your heart feels like singing, so does mine. But I cannot say this enough: I'm so proud of you. And I'm praying for you. Even when I'm freezing my nose off in wintery Beijing, I'll remember you, my previously-little-cousin-who-didn't-know-how-to-jump-but-now-has-a-basketball-career-partly-helped-by-your-now-spectacular-jumps. To pray for you, for whatever God's will is for you, for all your dreams and aspirations. After all, your dreams are mine, too. I love you, A-goo. :)

And remember, Winter Olympics 2010. :)

2 Responses to “About a boy, all grown-up.”

Anonymous said...

aww, so niceee!! :O im proud of nate too! :D go go go God bless in ur basketball career hahaha! :D

Anonymous said...

kidding!:D in God's time, everything will be okay! :) God bless
