More than expected.

My Beijing life is turning out to be more than what I bargained for. From my initial plan of just taking up one semester of Chinese, I am now seriously considering staying on for one more sem, thus making it a grand total of one year in Beijing, perhaps longer even. And from thinking that I'd either go back to Manila or head on to Vancouver after studying, I am pretty convinced that I'll be staying in Asia to work after my one year is up. Just goes to show how much things can change in a few months.


Every day life here has mellowed quite a bit. Instead of going out every weekend, and heck, every day for that matter, I usually stay on campus, in the dorm, or at my friends' apartment. Blame it on the cold wintry weather outside, or maybe we've just run out of things to do. Maybe that's it. We've used up every tourist spot, restaurant, coffee shop, bar, and club in Beijing the first few months we got here, now there's just nothing else to do. Oh, we could study. We probably should. And with finals coming up, it's back to the drawing board. Bridge Cafe, here we come. Again.
